Friday, March 27, 2020

Spot Quality Clothing at the Premium Fashion Store

The finest clothing is the quickest way to know a woman. For a woman fine clothing is as important as everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well. Fashion with premium clothing is life-enhancing. And if you are one of those who love Indian traditional weaves in contemporary looks and cuts then definitely you'll love the Premium Ethnic collection that Rangoli Fashion store has to offer.

When we talk about premium ethnic clothes, many of us think that only the expensive ones are quality clothing. Well, to some extent it is true because expensive ones are inherently made better. From the quality of stitching tread to high-end fabrics everything is taken care of. So the more you spend on clothing, the more you get quality and design to last.

Let’s take a look at the features what make afshion store the Premium Ethnic Fashion Store

Do not rely on synthetic fabrics. These are disreputed for piling and lose their shine after few washes. Go for natural fabrics like silk, tusser, linen or cotton which are hand-woven have the great look.
Look for the stitch before making a purchase. Premium garments hardly have signs of unraveling, loose stitches, missed stitches, snags, crooked lines, or other imperfections. You can also check by grabbing the fabric on each side of a seam, and tug lightly. If you see the garment holds well together, take it.  If there's any sign of pulling apart, do not hesitate to leave it there on the rack.

You can choose your premium fashion store for those who have the options to try clothes on at the store and make sure they look great on you as they do in the showroom. If you notice closely, can see that some brands try to save money by using as little fabric as possible. This often results in too-short shirt sleeves and pant legs, less room through the shoulders, thus clothes don't drape and fit well.

Buttons…. this is one of the delicate points to examine while you go for premium ethnics. Sometimes nice looking and well-made buttons do magic on certain fabrics and designs. Also, premium fashion brands use their especial embalmed buttons to strengthen their brand identity.  Still, if you have doubt in mind pay attention to the buttons if they are they sewn on well? Check the holes too for loose threads, sloppy stitching, and other defects.

Fitting and finishing of premium clothes are the most important part. Check the proper fitting of any outfit while trailing. Look at the seams of the outfit if it is nicely fitted and you are thinking of buying it. Flip the piece inside out to look at if the seams were finished properly. Unfinished edges signify poor quality. Rangoli would take pleasure to let you know that French seams, flat-felled seams, and bound seams are the true mark of quality. You can learn a bit about seams, so you can identify well-made premium pieces.

Last but not least – do not forget to check the zippers. When you are investing in quality clothes look for garments with metal zippers that look good and last longer. Try to avoid plastic zippers as they are hard to zip and also tend to go off track. 

One more thing you can find with some brands - an outfit comes with spare buttons and threads. It's a sign that the outfit will last long and designer expects it may require a few minor repairs, these spare things assure you'll have hand ready everything you need to make those repairs. So if you happen to come across such a garment that includes spare thread and button, take it as the quality item you have found.

Quality clothes are an investment. Let your investment be fruitful with Rangoli’s Premium Ethnic Fashion. The Store offers a range of bright and beautiful women's Indian ethnic wear for every occasion at an affordable price from exclusive traditional sarees to modern fusion styles, Kurtis and suits that definitely will surprise you.

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